You can see our answers to FAQs (frequently asked questions) below.
Please reach out to us by phone or email if you cannot find an answer to a question you have.
Can I customize the design of my house however I want?
Yes. Because we do all of our own design in house, you can change the design of your home any way you want. This is true if you are starting from scratch with a brand new concept and if you are making changes to one of the design models we already have available.
And while changes may affect the overall cost of your home, we can pair design changes with updated cost estimates to help you decide is most important to you, giving you a lot more control over your final product and price.
Do I have to build my house on a building lot owned by South Coast?
Nope. We can build your house on a lot that you own already, we can build your house on a lot that we own, or we can look for the perfect lot with you and build your house there. If you’re shopping for a property, we can also give you a sense of how different building lots affect the cost of construction of your home.
How much will it cost to build my house?
Obviously, this will vary dramatically based on your design, location, lot services, finishes, and more. Because we are a fully integrated design/build company, we work with you to design a home – or modify one of our existing home models – based on your budget. Every home we build is a custom home with care and attention paid to the materials, construction, landscape, and quality of finishes. We work with you to make sure the price tag isn’t a surprise at the end of the project.
How long does it take to build a house?
This is another one of those “it depends” answers. The size of your house, the complexity of the design, the terrain or lot idiosyncrasies, and the time of year all affect how long it takes to get a house done. We plan for a build cycle of approximately six months, although this can shift depending on the factors mentioned above.